Backgroud Score

Saturday, May 7, 2011


The eyes speak and hear a thousand words,
Not just tracing the flying birds.
But think of those who can't see...
Can mouth and ears to them eyes be?

The tears of joy & sorrow are the same,
Their emotions cannot be named.
The anger, the shy eyes can't communicate
The feeling of love, the feeling of hate.

What you hear and see is what you remember.
But blackness it is from Jan' to December.
Throughout the day, it is night
Everything black, nothing white

They suffer the rude game of life
Far more risky than darting of knife.
Then too a smile always they wear
Emotions hid deep, too hard to share.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The mind that I'm in you

I die a thousand truths
I live a thousand lies
I fly to oceans blue
I dive into seamless skies.
I try everything wrong
Just to get one thing right
I don't get tired trying
I don't sit hours crying.
I am enjoying the mistakes I do
In the process of learning something new
In the nights I'm awake
Just like in the day
Pondering of a different direction
Thinking of a brand new way.
You may sleep, but I'm at work
Thinking unusual, thinking beserk
I'm not out of you, you maybe out of me
I've a different vision to help you see
I am not just the brain
I'm also the emotions in you
Keep all this in your mind
The mind that I'm in you!