Backgroud Score

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

the Future is about to begin

The audience sat anxious, squirming in their seats.
Loud announced the host the title of the show,
“Hold on to your seats, For the Future is about to begin”
Began to unfold the curtains to the background drum’s beats. 

The stage remained dark for a while or so
The crowd growing angry more and more
The backdrop music played all through the while
The director looked at the audience all with a smile. 

The fury of the audience now knew no bounds
Went around the director in circles and rounds
The director stayed calm, unflinchingly still.
A thousand together and an only to kill. 

What you seek from the show, 
Isn’t something I can give 
For the Future is uncertain and you already know
Yet you come to see that you won’t believe 

What pleasure will you get,
Knowing what lies ahead
A sorrowful journey or
Some dear ones death bed?

Live this moment and create a thousand joys
Stop worrying about the Future like the girls & boys
The moment that’s gone won’t come by
You want to see the Future, tell me why, tell me why? 

"The show is over", he declared to each and all,
"Collect your fees for the performance you gave".
Few collected the money,
Rest walked back slowly, brooding and grave.  

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Hang till Death

Tomorrow I won't be alive
I know it today
Exhausted of options
No place to run away

A sleepless night this is going to be
Life rewound, flashbacks I'm gonna see
I was wrong at times
But none I believe could count as crimes

Yet in hours, I'll face the gallows
Sorrow for my family for time that follows
What else can they do?
Exhausted of options - all old and new.

Noose will be tightened
Suspended in the air
Floor swept away
Till breath is despair

Fear is taking over
Fear is running wild
Turning this grown up
Into a 4 year old child

My conviction has been run over
For now I am convicted
Law will hold its ground
The Culprit evicted.

Life will pass out of my body
With shivering feet and hands
Galloping would be the stallion
Taking me to Netherworld

Tomorrow I won't be
But my stories will be told
With a new twist
Like pancakes to be sold

Sunday, August 9, 2015

A stir, a storm

A stir, a storm – both reside in me
Both fighting each other, wanting to be free

The storm is strong
Calm is the stir
Loud is the storm
The stir no one can hear

Storm makes me run
Stir puts me to rest
I try to make both happy
I try my level best

But one wins over
The other is just gone
The moment dies slowly
And the other is reborn

Like a spectator, I watch them fight
Like gladiators, they do
Bruised every time
With wound not always new

I surrender to both
Time and again
Sometimes blissful in the sun
Sometimes drenched in the rain.

25th July, 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015


The truth sunk in slow
But boy! did it hit
It hit so hard
Like no piece of shit.

The chaos that it caused
The damage that it did
Tore the heart apart
The tears couldn't hid.

The parity was gone.
The sanity was lost.
Nothing could pacify
Not at any cost.

In that lunatic state
As He floats in vacuum
Ages passed by
In His state of delirium.