Backgroud Score

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


The ice refused to melt and turned into rock
Hard and solid, unmoved by shock,
Growing stronger with umpteen pride
Overlooking the waves on the other side
Few blows here and there and one on its face
Shattered the mighty and broke it into pieces.

Scorching in the summer, soaking all the wet

Showing all its prowess, shining at its best
So absorbed is the sun that it forgets
The monsoon will be here & soon it'll regret
Hidden behind the moisture-laden clouds
Hardly any rays which would reach the grounds.

Strength is power, strength is great

Don't be proud for sooner or late
This moment won't be the same
All go to soil - even the biggest names.
Be humble and you will rise above
Remembered you'll be later then and every now.